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Supplement your aesthetic treatment with exercise

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From ICOA we always look for the best for our clients , so we try to convey the idea of a healthy life as a fundamental value. The aesthetic treatments that we offer from the clinic should be accompanied by exercise and good nutrition. There are no magic recipes, there are treatments to look better but to maintain them you have to strive.

The most recommended exercises to complement aesthetics treatment, are the aerobic character such as cycling, running or walking that generate an energy expenditure if what we want is to lose weight. To tone certain areas the best are the weights with which we will also lose fats that will become muscle. In short, any type of exercise will be complementary and beneficial for our aesthetic treatments, letting the convalescence time pass. In addition, sport generates endorphins that brings us satisfaction and well-being which helps us to feel better about ourselves. This is also noticeable in our picture.
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People usually relax after getting results with a treatment, which are usually not permanent. So we must continue to take care of our body. From ICOA we have understood this necessity and for that reason, we have allied with the gyms Virgin Active so that our customers have easy and accessible take care. 


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