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The tensioning threads, is one of the esthetic treatments with successful results, less invasive

And minimal pain. It’s the new era of facelift without surgery.

What are they made of?
They are made of a 100% biocompatible material and a resorbable material called
Polydioxanone. The properties of this material cause the thread to hold on its own
Where it infiltrates.

What is the treatment?
The treatment, as we have commented previously, is painless and with results
Immediate, whose main purpose is the skin tightening by the insertion of threads in the dermis
With a guide needle. They allow to treat moderate and medium flaccidity of face, neck, forehead, eyebrows,
Cheekbones, jowls, wrinkles …
There are different thicknesses of threads and it is the specialist doctor in this type of treatments the
Which should select us the most appropriate to our needs. It is premarked
Area with a pencil and with micro guides, In some cases an anesthetic cream is applied 30
Minutes before starting the treatment, each thread is infiltrated in the line and exact direction. One
Once the treatment is complete, the patient can be incorporated into his / her daily activities.
Immediately. The effect of the result is noted after a month. The threads can be
Cross each other horizontally and vertically. Reabsorbed at 6 months
But the results can last up to a year.
With this technique, what is intended is to improve the physical appearance of the patient, reaching
Increase self-esteem and confidence.

Advantages of Japanese threads:
– Patient hospitalization is not necessary.
– Local anesthesia is applied in some cases.
– Reaffirm the facial profile.
– No rest required after application.
– They reaffirm the neck.
– Conceal wrinkles from the eye contour.
– They blur the wrinkles on the forehead.
– They raise their eyebrows and cheeks.
– Minimize expression wrinkles.

Disadvantages of Japanese threads:
– Not recommended in patients with vascular disease or diabetes.
– Contraindicated in pregnant patients or lactation period.
– Contraindicated in patients with infections in the areas where they will be applied
Threads, postpone it until the infection is gone.
– It does not usually have side effects but in some cases it could be a small
Hematoma or slight inflammation may appear.

Treatment Warning:
It is advisable and very important, to warn the patient that this esthetic treatment is
Applied by a specialist who knows the facial anatomy, above all for some results
Healthy, natural and harmonic.

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