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Los tratamientos estéticos que triunfarán este 2022 (I)

Todos necesitamos sentirnos y vernos bien y por eso, cada día son más las personas que deciden probar diferentes tratamientos estéticos para mejorar su estética facial y corporal. Ya que el 2021 nos ha dicho adiós, es hora de que le demos la bienvenida a este 2022 que nos incita a cuidar y mimar nuestra piel, porque ¡nos lo merecemos! Adelante, sigue leyendo este artículo en el que te contamos cuáles son los tratamientos estéticos que triunfarán este 2022 (I). 

¡No te lo pierdas! 

Las tendencias estéticas que arrasarán en este 2022 

Los retoques estéticos más demandados son aquellos menos invasivos que no necesitan de intervenciones quirúrgicas. En este caso, te contamos cuáles son los 3 tratamientos estéticos que tú también querrás realizarte en este nuevo año. 

Relleno facial  

Es uno de los tratamientos estéticos más populares hoy en día, ya que ofrece óptimos resultados y no precisa de cirugía. De esta forma, los resultados se logran de manera no invasiva, sin riesgo alguno y el paciente no sufre efectos secundarios. 

Así las cosas, el relleno facial consiste en inyectar una sustancia con el fin de recuperar o rellenar volúmenes faciales, lo que permite eliminar las arrugas y los surcos marcados en el rostro, o simplemente para revitalizar la piel.  

Entre los rellenos faciales más conocidos y demandados está el ácido hialurónico, que es un producto natural, biodegradable y reabsorbible. En este caso, permite rellenar las líneas de la frente, las líneas que aparecen cuando fruncimos el ceño, las líneas del labio superior, las comisuras de los labios, las arrugas más profundas del rostro, para perfilar los labios, o para aumentarlos. En este sentido, el aumento de labios está en el top de las tendencias estéticas de 2022. ¡Lucir una sonrisa acompañada de unos labios estupendos está de moda!  

los tratamientos estéticos que triunfarán este 2022
El aumento de labios está entre las tendencias más demandadas de este 2022.

Rejuvenecimiento total del rostro 

Restar años a nuestra cara y sentir nuestra piel más tonificada y tersa se convierte en la prioridad de muchas personas. Por eso, con un rejuvenecimiento facial se consigue difuminar aquellas líneas de expresión que tenemos en la frente, el entrecejo o las conocidas como “patas de gallo”. 

De este modo, existe el rejuvenecimiento facial con Plasma Rico en Plaquetas (PRP), que tiene una serie de ventajas. Se utiliza una sustancia biológica fabricada por nuestro organismo, que se obtiene a partir de la propia sangre del paciente mediante un proceso nada invasivo. Por lo tanto, el producto que se obtiene es no alergénico y se puede aplicar en cara, cuello, escote y dorso de las manos a través de microinyecciones. 

Asimismo, se debe emplear anestesia tópica y no existen contraindicaciones. Es ideal para tratar y prevenir el envejecimiento cutáneo, y para conseguir una piel más tersa y luminosa. Además, mejora el problema del acné y las cicatrices faciales. Los resultados se comienzan a percibir en una semana y alcanzan su máxima a los 20-30 días del tratamiento.  

En el próximo Blog te contaremos más sobre los tratamientos estéticos que triunfarán este 2022 (I), ¡estad atentos! 

Si necesitas consejo sobre qué tratamiento es el más adecuado para ti, ¡contacta con nosotros sin compromiso!  

En ICOA te asesoramos y te ofrecemos un completo diagnóstico porque nos preocupamos por tu bienestar y tu estética. 

ICOA Tips News

International Day Against Breast Cancer

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October 19
Campaign Against Breast Cancer

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In support of all the fighters who suffer and have suffered this disease.


Dental clinic ICOA Kids-en ICOA Tips News Sin categoría


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Halloween is a traditional celebration that has been celebrated for a long time in the USA and, not very few years ago, we also celebrate it in Spain.
We’re not going to tell the kids in the house not to take candy on Halloween, we’ll let them enjoy the party, but we’ll consider some tricks or deals:
Tip: Choose correctly
A good choice is to encourage them to eat those candies that melt quickly and that are easily consumed, avoid the sticky ones that remain long in the mouth, stick on the teeth and are difficult to consume.
If we do not have the dental hygiene kit with us, rinse the mouth with plenty of water immediately after consuming candies, thus decreasing the time that the sugar stays in contact with the teeth.
Treatment: Establish a schedule for consumption
We are going to take advantage of this party to establish with our children a time or a certain time to consume candies, in this way we will teach them that this type of food we must consume them with moderation and of passage, when establishing a specific moment or time for their consumption, our children They will know they have a time or time to enjoy their favorite candies, so they will be less likely to think about eating them at any other time of the day.
Trick and Treat: Visiting the Dentist
Go to a review with your child before Halloween, it’s a good time to have a review.
And last trick or treat … The whole family to brush their teeth before going to sleep.


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Si tienes alguna consulta… ¡no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros!

Copenhague 6, Európolis, Las Rozas

(Entrada por Avda. Nstra. Sra. de Retamar)

28232. Madrid. España

Tfno: 91 626 60 12


Dental clinic ICOA Tips News


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… 35% of the population is born without the wisdom teeth?

This process is part of our evolution.

Compared to our ancestors, they had jaws that were much larger than us, helping them tear flesh and chew hard foods like roots, leaves, etc. This type of diet required a greater masticatory force and this is why they had wisdom teeth, a third group of molars.

Today, the type of food we eat is softer and easier to chew, as a result of this change in diet, our jaws are smaller and we do not have the space needed for a third set of teeth, for Therefore, the wisdom teeth are doomed to disappear from our organism.



Dental clinic ICOA Kids-en News Sin categoría


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Did you know that children’s teeth begin to develop under the gums from before birth?
The teeth begin to develop during the embryonic stage of the baby, but do not become visible (erupt) until childhood.
Generally the onset of teething begins between 6 and 8 months of age, although it may vary from one child to another, and it is also normal for some children to not start until after 8 months.
Whatever the case, at 30 months of age the temporary or milk teeth should be erupted.
How many baby teeth do you have in total?
20 teeth of milk, which must be complete at 3 years of age.

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At 6 years of age, the eruption of permanent teeth usually begins, usually ending at age 12.
During the eruption process, from 6 to 12 years old, children will have a mixed dentition consisting of temporary teeth and permanent teeth.
What are the symptoms of teething?
Some babies go through this process without any problem, but the vast majority have symptoms of discomfort, discomfort, even pain; Some of these symptoms can be:
– Irritability or discomfort
– Saliva drooling
– Rejection of food
– Need to bite or chew constantly
– Sleep disorders
– Inflammation and tenderness in the gums.
The teething process does not cause fever, nor diarrhea, if your child has a fever during this process, the cause may be different.
What to do to ease the discomfort?
– Give your baby something cool to chew and bite, it will relieve the feeling of burning or pressure.
Another option, rub your gums with a clean finger, gently but firmly, to temporarily relieve the discomfort.
– If you do not want to eat, soft and cold foods will ease swallowing and relieve pain.
– Never give or apply any medication that has not been recommended by your pediatrician or dentist. Ask your practitioner before trying any medication.
It is important that you begin with the oral hygiene of your baby very early, even before your first tooth appears.
After feeding your baby, clean your gums with a gauze moistened with water, passing it with your finger. When you start teething, use a baby toothbrush, without toothpaste, until age 2. From the age of 2, you can use a pinch of toothpaste (the size of a lentil), special for children.

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If you have any questions … do not hesitate to contact us!

Copenhague 6, Európolis, Las Rozas

(Entrada por Avda. Nstra. Sra. de Retamar)

28232. Madrid. España

Tfno: 91 626 60 12


News Sin categoría


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Smiling has many benefits, not only for those who smile, but also for those around us.
The first Friday in October since 1999 celebrates the World Smile Day, an unofficial party that encourages people to smile and spread goodwill and joy.
The idea of celebrating a smile day is due to the commercial artist Harvey Ball, creator of the smile “Smile” so well known.

The smile is a universal gesture of satisfaction and well-being. If something makes you happy this causes you a smile, and also the other way around, just the fact of smiling will make you feel happier.

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Did you know how to smile…
⦁ Makes work from 5 to 53 muscles. This action contributes to tone the face and prevent fat accumulation and aging slows down.
⦁ It makes us more attractive. The smile is a facial expression that indicates that we are willing to talk and interact with others.

⦁ Build confidence. Smiling makes people closer and more reliable.
⦁ Es contagioso. When we see a person smiling, they activate an area of the brain that controls facial movement, generating a smile.
⦁ When we smile and laugh, we release endorphins, endorphins are responsible for making us feel happierand also help to maintain a lower level of stress.
⦁ Makes concerns and tensions disappear. Smiling and laughing lowers the heart rate, improves pain and helps to better manage some chronic and / or degenerative diseases, by strengthening the defenses.

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Whatever your state of mind, smile shows security, confidence, strength; Both sentimental and work. Studies show that a person who smiles is much more successful than one who does not.
“Sometimes our joy is the source of our smiles, but many times our smile becomes the source of our joy.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Let nothing stop you smiling, if you do not feel comfortable @ with your smile, make an appointment, ICOA will help you to recover your smile.

If you have any questions … do not hesitate to contact us!

Copenhague 6, Európolis, Las Rozas

(Entrada por Avda. Nstra. Sra. de Retamar)

28232. Madrid. España

Tfno: 91 626 60 12


News Sin categoría


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Pregnancy can bring a number of changes that can affect our dental health, leading to an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. It is important that when we know that we are in the gestation period, If we had to give some indication of how to maintain proper hygiene and follow a healthy and balanced diet.
Women, when they are pregnant, undergo many hormonal changes and this favors the appearance of cavities, loose teeth, periodontitis, gingivitis, that is to say that they ignite us and they redden to us the gums, which is to have a greater tendency to bleed. If we previously had these types of problems or some periodontal disease it can get worse, so it is important to visit the dentist and perform a dental cleaning to clean teeth and eliminate tartar.

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How we can prevent some dental health problems:

– Before undertaking any dental treatment during pregnancy, it is necessary to have the approval of the gynecologist to avoid any problem.
– During the first trimester, it is necessary to perform only the emergency treatments since that is when the main structures, heart, vascular system, central nervous system are formed …
– In the second trimester you can perform any treatment without problem of the use of anesthesia.
– Small X-rays can be performed by covering the gut of the pregnant woman with a lead apron that covers the abdomen.
– In the third trimester it is not advisable to perform long treatments since it can be annoying to the pregnant woman.
– Brushing teeth with fluoride pastes and using dental floss or interdental brushes for the hygiene of interdental spaces.
– Clean the back of the tongue with a soft toothbrush or special tongue brush.
– If the nausea prevents us from brushing our teeth, r perform water rinses or mouth rinses.
– After delivery, it is essential to go to the dentist, to perform a review, evaluate the condition of the mouth and remedy any abnormalities that have occurred during gestation.
– Eat healthy foods as healthy eating brings nutrients to both you and your baby. It is essential for the formation of the baby’s bones and teeth that the mother ingests vitamins A and D and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.
– Limit sweets and sugary drinks.

Si tienes alguna consulta… ¡no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros!

Copenhague 6, Európolis, Las Rozas

(Entrada por Avda. Nstra. Sra. de Retamar)

28232. Madrid. España

Tfno: 91 626 60 12


ICOA Tips News


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Dentistry exists more than 5,000 years ago?
There is evidence that the first dental practices were performed by the Egyptians towards the year
3.000 a.C.

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The first known dentist was an Egyptian named Hesi-Re, who was in charge of maintaining health
mouth of the pharaohs. He was also a physician and promoted the importance of the association between Medicine and Odontología.

If you have any questions … do not hesitate to contact us!

Copenhague 6, Európolis, Las Rozas

(Entrada por Avda. Nstra. Sra. de Retamar)

28232. Madrid. España

Tfno: 91 626 60 12
